E-Bike Rental is a comprehensive website that provides a user-friendly platform for renting
electric bicycles. This website was developed to fulfill the final semester project requirement
for the Web Development course at Ciputra University. Utilizing the Laravel framework and MySQL
database, the site offers a seamless experience for users to explore, select, and rent e-bikes
according to their needs. It features detailed listings of available e-bikes, complete with
specifications and rental rates, ensuring users can make informed choices. The development
process focused on creating an intuitive interface to enhance user experience, allowing for easy
navigation, reservation management, and rental history tracking.
The Laravel framework's elegant syntax and powerful tools, combined with the efficient data
management capabilities of MySQL, ensure a reliable and fast platform. E-Bike Rental not only
showcases the practical application of web development skills but also promotes sustainable
transportation solutions through the use of electric bicycles. This project demonstrates the
potential for technology to contribute to environmental sustainability while providing a
valuable service to the community.